About Us
Lee County Humane Society was founded in 1974 as a solution to the growing problem of stray animals in the community. A group of hard-working and concerned volunteers took animals into their homes to foster, love, and find forever homes. LCHS acquired property on Highway 280 in 1976, giving the group a physical facility for their work. Through donations and a community effort, LCHS eventually hired staff and began adding on to that facility. In 1990 the state of Alabama purchased the shelter facility and grounds as part of the expansion of Highway 280. Using combined funds from the sale of their Highway 280 property plus contributions from the Auburn, Opelika and Lee County governments as well as the estate of L. Biggin, the organization began construction of a new facility on Ware Drive in Auburn. That building has been expanded twice since its original construction. This is where LCHS staff and volunteers work today to meet the needs of companion animals in our community.
From its early days as a small group of determined volunteers fostering animals in their homes, LCHS has grown and evolved into an organization that also provides several initiatives that advance the cause of animal welfare. We have sought out grants that allow us to offer programs such as Intake Diversion which helps people keep their animals so they don't end up in the shelter; means-based assistance so those who qualify can get their pets spayed/neutered at a reduced price; and microchips that make it easier for lost pets to be reunited with their owners. Additionally, thanks to a generous bequest and ongoing donations, we also offer TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) through the Ann Pearson Memorial Community Cat Program.
In light of this growth and development, LCHS Board Members voted in 2023 to pursue a name change to better reflect the organization we have become and as well as the direction we want to go in the future. On Oct 1, 2023, we rebranded as CARE Humane SocietyTM:
C - Compassion
A - Adoption
R - Rescue
E - Education
The elements of the acronym CARE embody how we strive to serve our community as the leading advocate for companion animals in our area. We are extremely fortunate to be part of a community that truly cares about the welfare of its companion animals and grateful for the decades of support area citizens have given us in pursuit of our goals.