This week, we’re catching up with Marie, one of our amazing pro fosters, to learn more about her fostering journey and tips for those considering becoming a foster.
Here’s what she had to say:
1. When did you start fostering, and what made you want to become a foster?
"I started fostering in April 2023. At that time, I had been spending more time with my friends’ dogs and falling in love with them. I wanted to get involved with local shelters and decided to submit a foster application!"

2. How many animals have you fostered?
"I have allergies to cats, so I’ve only fostered dogs—11 so far!"
3. What advice would you give to those interested in fostering?
"Don’t worry about everything beforehand. Many people hesitate to commit because of the 'what ifs.' Even if you can only foster a dog for one day, it can make a huge difference. That one day can help them release stress, adjust to living in a house, and learn how to interact with people. It sets them up for success when they find their forever homes."
4. What’s the most rewarding thing about fostering? Have you kept up with any past fosters after they were adopted?
"Especially with puppies under six months, I love watching them learn about house living—like getting used to household noises (vacuum, laundry machines, water running) or outdoor sounds (mowers, sprinklers, delivery trucks). They also adapt to interacting with neighbor dogs, hearing sounds over fences, and riding in cars. Seeing them become comfortable with things like vacuuming is so rewarding because I know it makes them more adoptable. I intentionally expose them to these experiences, as well as nail clipping and bathing, to prepare them for their forever homes. I’ve kept in touch with one adopter through Facebook—it’s so heartwarming to see one of my former fosters loved as part of a family!"

5. Do you have a funny or favorite memory from fostering?
"I once fostered two sisters from the same litter, Annie and Shirley. Despite being siblings, their personalities couldn’t have been more different. Shirley was calm and quiet, while Annie was playful and a little troublemaker. One evening, Shirley and I were sitting on the couch watching Annie zoom around. We made eye contact, and I swear Shirley’s expression said, 'What’s wrong with her?' It was such a funny and special moment!
Another memory involves Bean (who’s still available for adoption!). He’s reactive to shadows, which I discovered during his first night in my backyard. He barked at my shadow every time I moved. It became our nightly ritual—I’d dance, and he’d bark at my shadow. It turned into a fun little game for both of us!"

Thank you, Marie, for sharing your fostering journey and bringing joy to so many pups. Interested in fostering? Email foster@carehumane.org!